Mindful Art Workshops
Mindful Arts is a discipline of helping and healing that uses the arts as its basis for discovery and change, it also can empower, help, or soothe you. Art can bring people together and open a whole new world for you in the form of pictures and personal expressionism.
Help & Heal
Mindful Arts is a discipline of helping and healing that uses the arts as its basis for discovery and change, it also can empower, help, or soothe you. Art can bring people together and open a whole new world for you in the form of pictures and personal expressionism.
A new beginning is when you let the fear and the negative thoughts and stories go, don't let anything hold you back, create space to allow the positive thought of creativity to flow and connect back with your true self. Within everyone is an Artist trying to escape. My goal is to encourage others to use art as a means of expressionism and freedom.
Art is a form of therapy where artistic expression has the power to help us in healing, in self-esteem or simply in chilling out. It is unique in that most other forms of therapy rely on language as the foremost mode of communication, whereas art requires something different, something harder to define.
Colour has the ability to affect our moods. Sometimes, however, instead of using colour to transform our current state of mind, it is helpful to take a moment to delve deep into the colour you are currently experiencing. Working within your current emotional state can help you make sense of why you are feeling the way you are feeling and realise that, perhaps, it is not such a bad place to be. Even on a dull day there is colour in your life, you just need to look for it.
We are not art therapists just two people who have experience of lives struggles, debt, stress and survivors of emotional abuse. For those hungry for a creative outlet to relieve the tension that is building inside you we can help. Expressive art requires few materials and no artistic background -- in fact, the less about art you know the better, this allows you to be free with your mind and let your emotions go. The course is less about the final product, and more about the transformation that occurs along the way.
Our 4 day mindful art and paints workshops are about showing you the basic of colour mixing, shading, and blending so you can open your mind and be free. You will be provided with canvas, brushes, paints, and the freedom to create. We will also use other forms of art to open your mind, such has music, mediation and nature. (These are weather dependant) Once your mind is open we can work on helping you to let go and move forward with a positive life.
One day taster workshop run on a Saturday or Sunday in April / May 2024 look at our events page for dates
Start off by taking a few mental health days, book one of our workshops to take time out and recharge your mind.
hot drinks will be provided, please bring you own lunch and wear warm clothing, (the session is held in a marquee). The day will be a Sample session for our 4 day intense Mindful Art Workshop.
The day will start with a introduction of who we are and why we are running these workshops to help you lead a positive balanced life. We will explain how mindful art completely changed our life for the better. We will all do some simple exercises in mindful art, we will explain about the negative voice. After lunch we will do another simple mindful art exercise and have discussions about how to move forward on your journey to a more positive life.
One day taster workshop run on a Saturday or Sunday in April / May 2024 look at our events page for dates.
Start off by taking a few mental health days, book one of our workshops to take time out and recharge your mind.
hot drinks will be provided, please bring you own lunch and wear warm clothing, (the session is held in a marquee). The day will be a Sample session for our 4 day intense Mindful Art Workshop.
The day will start with a introduction of who we are and why we are running these workshops to help you lead a positive balanced life. We will explain how mindful art completely changed our life for the better. We will all do some simple exercises in mindful art, we will explain about the negative voice. After lunch we will do another simple mindful art exercise and have discussions about how to move forward on your journey to a more positive life.
4 day group course max of 6
4 day intense course run Monday to Thursday or Friday to Monday in 2024. Look at our events page for dates
Taking time out can be challenging, as we’ve always learned to work work work, and to prepare ourselves for the next step in our growth in careers and life. Mindful Art reminds you that you need to take some time to revitalise yourself if you want to experience life to its fullest.
The first day will be introductions, mindful art exercises and story time.
Day 2 will continue with stories and mindful art
Day 3 will be finding your true identity and removing the outer mask you wear to the world revealing your innner self using mindful art
Day 4 round up of the workshop and mindful art session, showing you how to use the complete tool box to take home and start your new positive Journey in life.
We are all incredible beings and there is no shame in feeling a little down every now and then. For More information or if you are a self help group /charity or corporate and would like us to run a session for you, please contact us.
All our workshops are run under license from The Ministry of Inspiration
Our En Plein Air workshop is open to all adults over the age of sixteen, from beginners to improvers and for those interested in exploring a new, creative, fun and relaxing pastime.
Been out in the great outdoors, painting or sketching in response to the environment, is an excellent way to develop and express your creativity. We have 9 acres of woodland for you to enjoy.
Suggested Materials to bring with you on the day HB, B and one 2B lead pencils and a hard backed A4 sketch book or sheets of white cartridge paper. You are welcome to bring along any other materials you may wish to work with such as water-soluble colour brush marker pens, technical pen, pencils or pastels.
(Please advise if you wish us to supply materials at a additional cost)
The cost is £40 per person (with your own materials) and you can book a slot via our shop page.
Hot and cold drinks will be provided.